Thursday, June 24, 2010

San Juan.

Have you ever been on a bus with forty drunk people? I officially have. All the people in our program with the exception of two that were feeling really sick made our way to the beach, unfortunately on the same bus. Through this experience I have realized exactly why I do not hang out with these people. Their sole purpose for coming to Spain was not to experience the culture, but instead to not remember their night. I know that drinking is a large part of the San Juan tradition, but leave it to the Americans to bring alcohol in water bottles to get drunk on the bus to the event and not at the actual event. I felt especially bad for the two old women sitting behind me who had to literally scream at each other to understand each other through the singing of the spice girls and the amusement many guys were having by looking at a mirror at their buddies. What can I say, I do not like drunk people. I find them annoying. But, when we actually got to the event it was quite amazing. There was not a single part in the sand that was free and there were bonfires and fireworks. At midnight people write a wish that they have on a piece of paper and burn it to make it come true. Then, they go into the ocean (and to my surprise and relief in their bathing suits) and jump seven waves backwards for good luck all year. It was really fun to participate in this part. Then a few of us walked down the beach to where a giant stage was just to see what was happening over there and we found two things. The first a really big bonfire with people holding hands while moving around it. The second was the big stage and the acrobats with music on it. It was like Cirque du Soleil on the beach, but not as good of a version. After this three of us got into a taxi to come back to the dorms, where I nearly lost my life. I have never been in a car with someone who drove the way this man did. I had to close my eyes otherwise I would not have been able to make it. Sitting in the car with this taxi driver actually made my brother’s driving seem safe to put an idea into your mind as how scary it was. All in all it was a good night and I was glad I was able to participate.

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