Thursday, June 10, 2010

I hate sand.

Today I went to the beach after class and I officially hate the sand here with a passion. I have taken a total of three showers today. Two of which I tried my best attempt to get all the sand off of my skin and out of my hair. It cannot be done. I am finding sand everywhere in my room and I have one question. Where is it all coming from? How is it that I found sand on a purse that I did not event take with me to the beach? These are all questions that I would like to be answered. I had an interesting experience on the bus ride home today that will never allow me to give any man the benefit of the doubt while I am here in Spain. This old man sat next to me on the bus and proceeded to place his hand on my leg, but not completely it was mostly on his leg (Since he was old I did not think he realized). Not thinking anything about it I kept talking to my friends who were sitting in the seat behind me. After about 20 minutes the man got off of the bus and I made eye contact with him through the window. Rule number 1: Never make eye contact with anyone. While the bus was pulling away he proceeded to blow me a kiss. I am officially scarred for life. From now on I do not care how old you are or how innocent you look I will not be giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. Anyways, my homework for today was to go to a cathedral and take pictures of the gargoyles and zoom in on them to see what they were actually doing. It was very interesting to say the least. I will post pictures later. The group is leaving for Barcelona tomorrow so I will not have access to a computer until Monday. So I will try to post it by then!

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