Saturday, May 29, 2010

Día 7 and 8- Laundry day…

I went shopping around the city and was finally able to find some shoes! We will see how good they are. I also was able to find an over the shoulder bag for my books. We went for horchatas y fartons in the evening and they were just okay. Horchatas is a tiger nut drink that tastes vaguely like a hazel nut vanilla. And you use a farton which is like a breadstick pastry to dip it in the horchata. I was not a big fan of this drink, but over the weekend our homework is to go to an horchataria a town over that is supposed to have the world’s best horchata. I am willing to give it another chance. I had a fight with the washing machine over here. It figures washing machines hate me. I could not get the stupid thing to fill with water. It was just spinning for a while so I opened the door to start it over and of course it ate my money. So I gave it more money. It does not matter what country I am in the washing machines will always hate me. Nothing can ever be easy. I do not understand the machines. They eat my money. How do I start the dumb thing? I am so over it. But I guess next time I know. I am pretty sure that I am going to be single handedly responsible for a for the dryer blowing up because I put more money in it than was allowed. We will see what happens. We went out for tapas. They were really good. There was only one thing I could not bring myself to try, escargot. I just could not do it. It looked too weird and the idea freaked me out too much. After tapas we went for more churros con chocolate, which was perfect since it was raining outside. A group of us really wanted to go somewhere for our three-day weekend, but we could not find something cheap enough and within times we could go. But, around one o’clock in the morning one of us found a trip to Pisa, Italy. So we booked it. We definitely have nowhere to stay yet so we will see what happens. The picture shown is la plaza de la virgen at night. I pass by it everyday.

1 comment:

  1. :( I'm sorry the washing machine ate your money! But I'm excited for you that you get to go to Italy!! I was studying some Italian online yesterday and today! Here's how you say "I'm from the U.S.", "Sono statunitense." There you go, just in case you find some occasion to say it! And the picture is beautiful! :)
