Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sevilla the land of the heat.

Getting to Sevilla was not easy. The streets there are one of the most confusing I have ever witnessed. Between the one way streets, the taxi lanes, the river that only connects to the city with three bridges, and the vague if existent street signs it was a miracle of life that we made it to our hotel. You know a city is confusing is Gildi is willing to break the law by making a left turn somewhere or driving in the taxi lane to avoid getting any more lost than we already are. Sevilla is beautiful city, but I feel like I did not enjoy it as much as I could because of the heat. It is so hot in Sevilla that in front of our hotel they had water mist shooting out of the sidewalk. And to give you more of an idea of how hot it was in my travel guide there where only three tips given for Sevilla. One of the tips was ‘do not visit Sevilla during the months July and August because it gets really hot.’ The heat just about killed us. We saw a church there and we saw a fortress. In the church I was able to see Christopher Columbus’s grave. I am glad that we were not in Sevilla for more than a day because the heat would have absolutely killed us. I am also glad that I did not pick this city to do my study abroad in because Sevilla was the city I wanted to go to. I guess everything works out for the best. Hopefully some day I will get to go back and experience the city, but when it is winter here. Otherwise, I am not really interested. Our hotel was awesome though. I wanted to take some of the furniture in the hotel back with me to the states. Everything was really original and very charming. I will miss that place. Another lesson was learned in Sevilla. Do not trust old people in Spain in general not just old men. The old women will act like they have to talk to the ticket desk because they have a problem, but in reality they will not stand in line and wait their turn. A group of senior citizens walked right in front of us and past the line of people to see a church. And I let them because I thought something was wrong. Again, lesson learned. It will never happen again. The pictures attached are from Torremolinos (a beach that we stopped at on the way to Sevilla), a picture of me inside of the fortress, and a picture of Christopher Columbus's grave (weird of me to post I know, but he was an important person)

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