Wednesday, July 7, 2010

El Prado...

Me, Marshy, and Gildi woke up to try to make our way to El Prado (a famous art museum in Madrid). David made up his mind early that he did not want to come along on this adventure of ours and after experiencing it ourselves I can say with absolute certainty that I do not blame him. We tried to get a taxi to the art museum since it was raining, but the streets by our hotel were closed because of a gay pride parade that was going to be happening all weekend long. So what was plan B? The Metro. First off Madrid’s metro is ridiculous. It is so big. We were walking what it seemed like a never-ending line of escalators. Second, Marshy did not enjoy the metro because of the smell. He claims that the people who ride the metro do not shower very often. Honestly, I did not even really notice. After getting off the train and asking a police officer and a few locals we finally got there. We got the audio tour guide, who was initially nice to have, but after a while it became really annoying. I really have no interest in staring at one piece of art work for twenty minutes while some man is talking in my ear with an accent telling me some story about the particular painting which I can only be about forty percent sure that it is actually true. Let’s just say out of the three floors of El Prado I was only able to visit 1 and a quarter before I had to leave. I have come up with a solution to this problem, which I do not think that Madrid would be too fond of. I think that the top twenty most famous paintings in the art museum should be put in one room at the very beginning. That way I do not have to look through hundreds of paintings of artists I have never heard before to find the painting of ‘Las Meninas’ and then question myself as to why I wanted to see it so badly. While I do enjoy seeing history, I like to see more concrete history like buildings instead of paintings that all look the same to me. I feel bad saying this because I do know that there was a lot of work put into each work of art. It is just that I cannot spend an enormous amount of time ‘appreciating’ works of art. After leaving ‘El Prado’ early and taking a victory picture in the back with my mother, we all headed back but this time in a taxi because not all of us could take another metro ride. Other than ‘El Prado’ all we did is eat meals, which then again reassured myself that maybe becoming a vegetarian might be in my best interest because they literally have hanging animal legs all around restaurant comparable to hanging animal heads on the wall. I just cannot eat meat with all the animal legs so close by. The pictures above are us eating at restaurant in Plaza Mayor and me and Gildi leaving El Prado forever!!

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