Tuesday, July 13, 2010

One head is better than four.

Having a car in Spain or in Europe for that matter is a lot harder than walking. The one way streets, the confusing signs, and not to mention the expectation that others have for you to stop the car for them to cross no matter where on the road that they might be. Something that does not make having a car in Europe any easier is driving a manual car instead of an automatic because it would cost 500 more euros. So, have that in mind and then put me, Dave, Marshy, and Gildi in a car and you have a story. Maybe not a fun story at the time, but later we should be able to look at it and laugh. It is no secret that Gildi is a very nervous person. Therefore, having her in the drivers seat in Madrid because Marshy does not understand the street signs was a very interesting experience to say the least. Madrid is confusing walking around it, let alone driving around it. But, even so we managed to make it out of the city. The entire time Gildi was wishing that we had invested a little extra money in a GPS. Despite of these thoughts I am still confident that there is no need to get a GPS because getting lost is always part of the experience. A lot of the coolest things that I have found anywhere have been because I have gotten lost and stumbled upon them. With that being said, Gildi does not like getting lost so for the rest of the trip we have to be very careful as to not get lost. On the way to Granada we stopped in Toledo for a few hours. Toledo used to be the capital of Spain before they moved it to Madrid. I enjoyed seeing Toledo, but I only wished that it was not raining. (The rain was also something that contributed to not having fun with a manual car.) There is a wall that surrounds the entire city, which we drove on the outside of and we went to see the Cathedral. I have been to so many Cathedrals in Spain that they are all starting to look the same to me. After Toledo we made our way to Granada without lunch. It is hard being around people who still have jetlag from their trip because while they are never hungry because of the time change, I am hungry. The solution for this problem? Snacking in the car. I am happy to say that we made it to Granada, but we did get lost. Like I said before and I keep on repeating to my family: It is part of the experience! The pictures above are from Toledo and Granada at night.

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